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    By Duane The Great Writer

  • “Sincere is a word that 'presently' relates to Honesty, Genuine, Truthful, and Free of Deception & Pretense, and so on. Sincere has 2 parts, 'sin & cere' and this is the Original Definition of Sincere, which is to See Sin (SinSeer) as a person would be able to See the Deceptions of Others. This was also the Original 'idea' of The Illuminate, as they were trying to Light The Way to See the Deceptions of the Kabal Kontrolling Government that was established since the days of George Washington (Mason). And over time, as so many words&ideas have become 'infiltrated' and something other than what they were originally created for, the word Sincere has come to mean, something associated with Honesty, Genuine, Truthful, and Free of Deception & Pretense. And is this so? Each person Decides for themselves, as most unaware people will just 'go along' with whatever is produced in This Matrixxed Society, and especially implemented and cleverly marketed and made 'official' according to the Ruling Abusive Authorities. And this is where many unaware people 'think' that the 'ideas' of EmotionalLove and also looking to the invented 'gods' of the Kabal will solve everything with Their Life and Their Designated AfterLife Heavens, and also with what is taking place with the Demise of The ALLNatural Environment Here. The 'common' Sincere&Sincerity words are for the Emotionally MindSet People in Cause&Effect Creation who like to 'feel' comfortable with Pretty Words, no matter who is saying them and no matter what the 'hidden agendas' behind them are. Duane The Great Writer with REBISAR & The ReALLL UNUversal Guides is Providing ReALLL~References to Something Morrre Than WonderFULLL for those who Take The Risk to SeeeMorrre&BeeeMorrre than Their Personal Dissolving Life Here. The 'standard' way of communicating with Words on This Planet Earth basically pertains to what most unaware people have already taken for granted and loaded themselves up with as Literalized 'indoctrinated' meanings&references that have become SelfLimiting&Restricting to TapLining&Karma, So, DUANU has created NUReferences that MakeSense with The TruReality ALLLifeIS, and FarrrMorrreSo than just Common Robotization (worshiping&praying to Deities&Authorities) as most unaware people are more than willing to take part in. It is more than understandable that most people will not take the time to Learn what can Save Their Life from ALL the Demise they are Already UNConsciously Agreeing to Here! WE 'IS' Each a FreeeBeeeing of ReALLLight Now, and to have This ReALLL~Position with ALLLife, it is Very Necessary to Recogn'IS'e The TruReality ALLLifeIS~ALLLISSS in The ReALLL UNUversisss Beyond Everything in This CreationBubble! DUANU with REBISAR&PALL has created The NULanguage to Show YU, The RealU, Your RealAwarenisss, how to Save Your Own Life Now! >(Real-common ~ ReALL-creative ~ ReALLL-UNUversal)< So, the common word Sincere is for This Earth, and the NUWord 'SUNSeeer' IS a ReALLL~Reference moreso than just 'sincere&sincerity' to The ReALLL UNUversisss of ReALLL~Freedom Beyond This SimulatorCapsule! Also, those who have been told and 'think' they are in a Real Universe Here are mistaken, as this has been part of the Clever Kabal 'indoctrination' to get unaware people to Agree that they are in an 'ultimate' position in This Purposely Planned Blackened Realm of Rocks with all-knowing Authoritarian Deities in the shadows beyond the 'atmosphere' (fake sky) around This Planet Earth! REBISAR & The ReALLL~Guides are always Loooking for Those Who Have RealCourage to StepUP and Take Part with The NUWakeUP for ALLL and who 'IS' ReALLL~SUNSeeer! ~~~ WakeUP with REBISAR&DUANEVA & The ReALLL UNUversal Guides who can Show YOU&YU, The RealU, Your RealAwarenisss, how to Freee YourSelf from Everything Restricting You and then You Can Learn to SeeeMorrre with US! TAKE THE RISK TO SEEEMORRRE! SING 'NU~U~U~U' & ASK REBISAR & PALL & DUANEVA & The ReALLL UNUversal Guides on The RealSide ALLLifeIS and Learn to SeeeThru This SurfaceWorld of Appearances!...YOUR CHOICE! Ask USA~Valdis Vitols (Dean Val~NUUU) & UK~Kevin Smith (Dean Kevin~NUUU) on Facebook to Join a Skype NUGroup. StepUP & Become MoreAware & DU Something ReALLL with US! WEE E'DU'CATORS~Wonderful Environment E'DU'cators 'IS' REALLL & WEE REDUALLL (REBISAR&DUANEVA&PALL) for Everyone Here! Listen to ~ 'THE VISITOR RETURNS' ~ Wednesdays Evenings. For More Warnings: Seee the Movie 'KNOWING' with Nicolas Cage! (Produced by Reptilian ShapeShifters who are Burning This World with DEW & Laser Blasting the SUN!

    Duane The Great Writer is making HimSelf Available for Those who want to KnowMorrre & SeeeMorrre & BeeeMorrre than just having another ‘ordinary’ unaware life on This Purposely Poisoned Planet! Create Your NU’Seee’sion with Duane The Great Writer and D’IS’cusss any topic You Like! Here IS Some Examples to D’IS’cusss… Personal, Financial, Relationships, Dreams, Government, 5G, GMO, ChemTrails, Vaccines, HAARP, Military, Secret Service, Spying, Subliminal TapLining, Conspiracy, Angels, Gods, Fairys, Ghosts, Aliens, Reptilians, Religious, Spiritual, Governments, Monarchy, and anything that pertains to what You are Experiencing in This CreationBubble. And Also… The ReALLL UNUversisss of RealFreeedom! Learn to Get Your Own Answers! NU’SEEE’SIONS Start at: 30 Minutes @ $1 (One US Dollar into PayPal) a Minute and can be as much time as needed. (and Yes, the way DUANU Writes His NUWords Refers to Something Morrre than what is known Here, and this is where You Decide to Recogn’IS’e What IS ReALLL Now with ALLLife or continue on as You have with just another PersonalLife in an Aging BodyForm). Contact: KEVIN SMITH UK & DEAN VAL on Facebook&YouTube.

    An Official NuPresentation Club is now available, the NuAwarenISSS Club. Membership to which is 1 dollar per month through paypal. Click on the NuAwarenISSS WebSite link at the top of the page, and from there navigate to the forum site.

    The RealWakeUp Now. Creation. Part 1

    The RealWakeUp Now. Creation. Part 2